- CRS Accessories - https://www.crsaccessories.com.au -


Q2 to Nexus 2 Pin Adaptor

This audio adaptor was specifically built for SAPOL in SA to enable connection of our 1 wire, 2 wire and 2 wire Wireless PTT harnesses (anything with our unique Q2 connection) to the Peltor MT15H68FB Electronic Level-Dependent Hearing Protector http://peltorcomms.3m.com/Americas/Page.asp?PageNumber=990 [1]

MICROPHONE ADAPTOR FOR GAS MASKS (with in-built microphone)

The Q2/Nexus2P adaptor can be also used in gas masks which have a built in microphone. This adaptor allows the microphone of the gas mask to be connected to our CRS-2WHWPTR 2Wire Wireless PTT Tactical Surveillance Kit, but not to any of our other products.